Welcome to the Oratory of Ss. Gregory and Augustine!
We offer you this website as a guide to help you explore the life of the newest parish in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. The recent widening of the “Extraordinary Use of the Mass” (according to the 1962 liturgical books) by Pope Benedict XVI has given birth to a remarkable renaissance of what most of us call simply “the Latin Mass”. In it are to be found a remarkable depth of spirituality and wisdom that so many people are searching for in today’s complex and confusing world.
In the I Book of his Confessions, the other great St. Augustine wrote “Thou hast made us for Thyself and our hearts are restless until they find rest in Thee.” Whether you are curious about the traditional Latin Mass and interested in exploring its beauty, or you are searching for parish community where you and your family will feel at home, or you are seeking simply rest for your heart, we hope this website will be of some help for you.
My prayer for you is that through these pages you will be able to get a glimpse of our liturgies and connect with some of the faces of the many people who make up our parish. In it you will find sermons, learn about our education programs and our social life, and be able to catch up on our most recent activities. I hope this will give you some sense of the grace of God, the love of Jesus Christ, and work of the Holy Spirit in our midst. I am delighted that God has brought you here! Oremus pro invicem!
—The Very Reverend Monsignor C. Eugene Morris, Rector